JOEL BEEKE fala sobre os Projetos do Defesa do Evangelho

JOEL BEEKE fala sobre os Projetos do Defesa do Evangelho Foreign [Music] seminary in Grand Rapids Michigan and I want to bring you the warm greetings from our institution and our.

JOEL BEEKE fala sobre os Projetos do Defesa do Evangelho

Church the Heritage Reformed Church and I'm excited today to talk to you about Calvary Covenant Church in Brazil in its Ministries.

Grand Rapids Michigan [Music] um now I love coming to Brazil and I've made 20 some trips there and thoroughly.

Enjoyed it but at the top of my list is going to this amazing Church Calvary Covenant Church is Paulo Jr is a senior pastor there and I and Danilo who's now studying at pure.

Transformed Seminary is assistant pastor together with kunya and these three men make make a very wonderful wonderful team of pastors now God has blessed their Ministry.

Tremendously there has been so many state there is preaching particularly has gone all throughout Brazil yeah hundreds of thousands of people listen.

To his sermons and some sermons well over a million and Paulo is bringing the word of God in a solid reformed experiential way a confessional way.

And God God is blessing this ministry amazingly so it is so they have grown out of their facilities and they've received a piece of land a.

Large piece of land in a very strategic place in in Franca Brazil yes and they've begun Excavating the land and they're going to put four major buildings on that land is.

First a larger Sanctuary that can accommodate 1500 people or so fast and they're also beginning a seminary to.

Train men for the ministry so they they're they're they're going to construct a seminary building and several years ago they began a publishing house and that has flourished.

So they're going to put up a publishing building there as well and then the last building will be dorms for students [Music].

    And so their passion is to do much like

    We're trying to do a Puritan reform to train man in a Biblical reformed confessional experiential way it is and thereby to promote God's kingdom all.

    Throughout Brazil and Beyond Brazil yeah and having seen this man and known them and become close friends with them is I'm very excited about this whole project.

    And I would encourage you to consider donating to this project because a lot of funds are needed so if you want to support a Ministry and a seminary that really promotes the.

    Whole Council of God in in the line of the reformers impurities please pray for this cause and for these Ministries under this one setting.

    The church the Seminary the publishing house and give what you're unable to give it up to brother and keep praying.

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